Dilated Retinal Eye Incentive

WHA wants you to be healthy and proactive with preventive care.


Get your dilated retinal eye test and we'll send you a $25 gift card!*


Living with diabetes means that it's important to take extra care of your eyes. The tiny blood vessels in your eyes are vulnerable to high levels of blood sugar and can be damaged if not checked regularly. This is why a yearly dilated retinal eye test is so important — this test can detect early signs of a condition known as retinopathy caused by diabetes. Having this test once a year can help your doctor know if you need treatment to prevent further damage.

CalPERS and Covered California members click here.

Dilated Retinal Eye Test 

  • Completion of a dilated retinal eye test – Fill out this form and we'll send you a $25 gift card! When you go to your checkup, talk with your doctor about getting your dilated retinal eye test if you have not done so already. Kudos for taking care of your preventive health!

*To qualify, participants must be active members between 18-75 years of age and living with diabetes. The exam must have been completed within the last year. Limited to one gift card (up to $25 value) per year.


For more information about this incentive program, contact Member Services: Toll-free Number: 888.563.2250 or TTY For Hearing Impaired: 888.877.5378.

IMPORTANTE: ¿Puede leer esta carta? Si no, nosotros le podemos ayudar a leerla. Ademãs, usted puede recibir esta carta escrita en español. Para obtener ayuda gratuita, llame ahora mismo al Western Health Advantage 916.563.2250 o llame gratis al 888.563.2250 lunes a viernes de 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.

Last review date: December 10, 2024

Happy New Year! If you are calling our Member Services department today, we ask for your patience while our entire team assists members with their questions. The first week in January is always the busiest time of year and we will get to your call as soon as possible. Members may find the information you need by logging into our secure MyWHA member portal. Use the "log in" button at the top right of this homepage screen. Thank you. Contact Us