Doula benefit
A doula is a trained professional who provides physical, emotional, and informational support before, during, and shortly after childbirth. For more information, read more about this benefit
Getting Ready for Pregnancy
Having a healthy baby begins well before pregnancy so if you’re thinking about getting pregnant in the near future, it’s important to start making healthy choices now. The sooner you start living a healthier lifestyle, the better your chances for having a healthy baby.
Helpful tips before you get pregnant:
Take a multivitamin with folic acid
Folic acid or folate is important for brain development and preventing certain birth defects. Include 400 micrograms (or 0.4 mg) of folate in your diet or in pill form before you get pregnant and in the first three months of pregnancy.
Foods fortified with folic acid include: leafy green vegetables, kidney beans, orange juice and other citrus fruits, peanuts, broccoli, asparagus, peas, lentils and whole-grain products. Folic acid is also added to some foods like enriched breads, pastas, rice and cereals.
Kick the habit
If you smoke, drink alcohol or use drugs — STOP! Quitting is hard, but you can do it. Ask your doctor for help. For more information, see the “Take Care of Your Lungs” section on page 12 in this booklet.
Get health issues under control
Talk to your doctor about how your health issues might affect you and your baby. If you have diabetes, monitor your blood sugar levels. If you have high blood pressure, monitor these levels as well. If you are overweight, talk to your doctor about how to reach a healthy weight.
Start an exercise program
Once you get pregnant, you can’t increase your exercise routine by much. So it’s best to start before the baby is on the way.
Get immunized
If you haven’t had chickenpox or rubella, get immunized at least three months before getting pregnant.
Get tested
Get checked for Hepatitis B and C, sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) and HIV. These infections can harm you and your baby. Tell your doctor if you or your sex partners have ever had an STD or HIV.
Be medication wise
Go over all of the medicines you take (prescription, over-the-counter and herbals) with your doctor. Make sure they are safe to take while you’re trying to get pregnant and during pregnancy.
As soon as you think you are pregnant, schedule your first prenatal checkup. Studies show that pregnant women who receive prenatal care are less likely to deliver prematurely or have other serious problems related to their pregnancy. Your first exam should be within the first six to eight weeks of your pregnancy or when you first suspect you are pregnant.
At these checkups, your doctor will likely want to talk about nutrition and physical activity, what to expect during the birth process and basic newborn care. The first appointment usually takes the most time because it often involves:
A full physical including a pelvic exam
Urine and blood samples for lab tests
Calculating your due date
Continuing scheduled prenatal visits with your doctor throughout the duration of your pregnancy is important. These visits help keep you and your baby healthy, and can help prevent problems during pregnancy and delivery.
These visits become more frequent the closer you are to delivery and may include:
Additional urine and blood tests, including a fasting glucose test
Blood pressure checks
Listening to the heart beat of your baby
Depression screenings
* Now Available : Parent Support Program (Maven Maternity)
WHA offers the Maven Maternity program, where a personal care advocate is available to you (and your partner) through your parenthood journey, providing access to the expertise of specialists via video chat or messaging, as well as online resources and classes. Visit *Check your plan benefits. Currently only select benefit plans offer this program.
After your delivery, the best thing to do to ensure your newborn’s health is to take care of your health. You can start with a postpartum checkup three to six weeks after you deliver or sooner if you had a Cesarean section (C-section) or any complications during your pregnancy. Take this opportunity to discuss any concerns with your doctor on such topics as:
Proper nutrition and supplements
Birth control and when to resume sexual activity
Baby care, breastfeeding and immunization schedules
Sleep issues
Helpful tips for new mothers:
Get plenty of rest, eat well and exercise often
Rally your support system of family and friends
Join a support group
Monitor symptoms of postpartum depressions, such as mood swings, difficulty bonding with your baby and hopelessness.
WHA and Optum Behavioral Health can offer services to support new moms with postpartum depression. Go to Live and Work Well member portal: Postpartum Depression.
Last review date: February 11, 2025