VIBERZI (eluxadoline)


Indications for Prior Authorization:
  • Treatment of Irritable Bowel Syndrome with Diarrhea (IBS-D) in adults
Prior Authorization Criteria:
  • Age 18 years or older, AND
  • Diagnosis of moderate to severe IBS-D as confirmed by chart note documentation, AND
  • Has tried and failed dietary modification as confirmed by chart note documentation, AND
  • Has tried and failed or had clinically significant adverse effects from at least two of the following:
    • Bulk forming agent (e.g. psyllium)
    • Anti-diarrhea agent (e.g. loperamide, bismuth subsalicylate)
    • Antispasmodic agent (e.g. dicyclomine, hyoscyamine, diphenoxylate/atropine, hyoscyamine/atropine/scopolamine/phonobarbital), AND
  • Does not have a contraindication to treatment:
    • Patients without a gallbaldder
    • Known or suspected biliary duct obstruction or sphincter of Oddi disease or dysfunction
    • Alcholism, alcohol abuse, alcohol addiction, or patients who drink more than 3 alcoholic beverages daily
    • History of pancreatitis, structural disease of the pancrease, including known or suspected pancreatic duct obstruction
    • Known hypersensitivity reaction to Viberzi
    • Severe hepatic impairment (Child-Pugh Class C)
    • History of chronic or severe constipation or sequelae from constipation, or known or suspected mechanical gastrointestinal obstruction
  • Recommended dose: 100 mg twice daily
  • Mild or moderate hepatic impairment: 75 mg twice daily
  • Patients receiving concomitant OATP1B1 inhibitors: 75 mg twice daily
  • Initial: 6 months
  • Renewal: 1 year

Last review date: April 24, 2019

Friday, July 19 Breaking News: A widespread computer software outage is impacting systems across the globe. Health care services in Northern California are reporting some disruption. WHA encourages members to call ahead to your provider if you have an appointment scheduled for today or this weekend.