LUCEMYRA (lofexidine) 


Indications for Prior Authorization:

  • Indicated for mitigation of opioid withdrawal symptoms to facilitate abrupt opioid discontinuation in adults.

Patients must meet the following criteria for the indication above:

  • Patient is 18 years of age and older, AND
  • Diagnosis of opioid dependence or opioid use disorder, AND
  • Prescribed by or in consultation with a specialist (e.g. pain management, addiction psychiatry, emergency medicine), AND
  • Member is undergoing abrupt opioid discontinuation and chart notes document a medically appropriate reason why an opioid taper cannot be used, AND
  • Patient has tried and failed Clonidine or experienced unacceptable toxicity and/or inadequate efficacy as confirmed by chart note documentation


  • Starting dosage: 0.54mg (three 0.18mg tablets) four times daily during peak withdrawal symptoms (generally 5-7 days following last use of opioid)
  • Max total daily dose: 2.88mg (16 tablets)
  • Max 0.72mg (4 tablets) per dose
  • Hepatic Impairment:
    • Mild Impairment: 3 tablets four times daily
    • Moderate Impairment: 2 tablets four times daily
    • Severe Impairment: 1 tablet four times daily
  • Renal Impairment:
    • eGFR 30-89.9mL/min: 2 tablets four times daily
    • eGFR < 30mL/min: 1 tablet four times daily


  • Initial: 7 days
  • Renewal: 7 days
  • Total duration of therapy 14 days

Last review date: May 28, 2019

Friday, July 19 Breaking News: A widespread computer software outage is impacting systems across the globe. Health care services in Northern California are reporting some disruption. WHA encourages members to call ahead to your provider if you have an appointment scheduled for today or this weekend.