Paliperidone Palmitate (Invega Hafyera™, Invega Trinza®, Invega Sustenna®)

Medical Administration - injectable (allowed under the pharmacy benefit if administered by a pharmacist at a pharmacy)

Indications for Prior Authorization:

Invega Hafyera

  • Indicated for the treatment of schizophrenia in adults after they have been adequately treated with:
    • A once-a-month paliperidone palmitate extended-release injectable suspension (e.g., Invega Sustenna®) for at least four months, or
    • An every-three-month paliperidone palmitate extended-release injectable suspension (e.g., Invega Trinza®) for at least one three-month cycle.

Invega Trinza®

  • Indicated for the treatment of schizophrenia in patients after they have been adequately treated with Invega Sustenna® (1-month paliperidone palmitate extended-release injectable suspension) for at least four months

Invega Sustenna®

  • Indicated for the treatment of:
    • Schizophrenia in adults
    • Schizoaffective disorder in adults as monotherapy and as an adjunct to mood stabilizers or antidepressants
Coverage Criteria:

Invega Hafyera

For diagnosis of schizophrenia:

  • Dose does not exceed 1,560 mg once every 6 months, AND
  • Patient is 18 years of age or older, AND
  • Prescribed by or in consultation with a psychiatrist, AND
  • The patient has tried one of the following:
    • Invega Sustenna® for at least 4 months
    • Invega Trinza® for at least one 3-month cycle, AND
  • Documentation is provided confirming Invega Hafyera™ will be administered at a specific pharmacy by a health care professional (pharmacy name and location are required)

Invega Trinza®

For diagnosis of schizophrenia:

  • Dose does not exceed 819 mg once every 3 months, AND
  • Patient is 18 years of age or older, AND
  • Prescribed by or in consultation with a psychiatrist, AND
  • The patient has tried Invega Sustenna® for at least 4 months, AND
  • Documentation is provided confirming Invega Trinza® will be administered at a specific pharmacy by a health care professional (pharmacy name and location are required)

Invega Sustenna®

For diagnosis of schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder:

  • Dose does not exceed an initial dose of 234 mg on treatment day 1 and 156 mg one week later, followed by a monthly maintenance dose of up to 234 mg, AND
  • Patient is 18 years of age or older, AND
  • Prescribed by or in consultation with a psychiatrist, AND
  • Documentation is provided confirming Invega Sustenna® will be administered at a specific pharmacy by a health care professional (pharmacy name and location are required)
Reauthorization Criteria:

Invega Hafyera or Invega Trinza®

For diagnosis of schizophrenia:

  • Dose does not exceed
    • Invega Hafyera™: 1,560 mg once every 6 months
    • Invega Trinza®: 819 mg once every 3 months, AND
  • Prescribed by or in consultation with a psychiatrist, AND
  • Documentation is provided confirming the product will be administered at a specific pharmacy by a health care professional (pharmacy name and location are required)

Invega Sustenna®

For diagnosis of schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder:

  • Dose does not exceed 234 mg once every month, AND
  • Prescribed by or in consultation with a psychiatrist, AND
  • Documentation is provided confirming the product will be administered at a specific pharmacy by a health care professional (pharmacy name and location are required)
Coverage Duration:
  • Initial: 1 year
  • Reauthorization: 1 year
Authorization is not covered for the following:

The use of this drug for indications not listed in this policy does not meet the coverage criteria established by the Western Health Advantage (WHA) Pharmacy and Therapeutics (P&T) Committee.

Additional Information:
  • If Invega Hafyera™, Invega Trinza® or Invega Sustenna® will not be administered at a pharmacy by a healthcare professional then the request should be submitted to the member’s medical plan for coverage consideration.
  • Invega Hafyera™, Invega Trinza® or Invega Sustenna® is to be prepared and administered by a healthcare provider only.
  • Invega Sustenna®: It is recommended to establish tolerability with oral paliperidone or oral risperidone prior to initiating treatment with Invega Sustenna®.
  • Invega Hafyera™: Dosing window: To avoid a missed dose, patients may be given the injection up to 2 weeks before or 3 weeks after the scheduled 6-month dose.
  • Invega Hafyera™, Invega Trinza® and Invega Sustenna® are contraindicated in patients with a known hypersensitivity to either paliperidone or risperidone, or to any of the excipients.
  • Warnings and precautions include the following:
    • Increased Mortality in Elderly Patients with Dementia-Related Psychosis
    • Cerebrovascular Adverse Reactions, Including Stroke, in Elderly Patients with Dementia-Related Psychosis
    • Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome
    • QT Prolongation
    • Tardive Dyskinesia
    • Metabolic Changes
    • Orthostatic Hypotension and Syncope
    • Falls
    • Leukopenia, Neutropenia, and Agranulocytosis
    • Hyperprolactinemia
    • Potential for Cognitive and Motor Impairment
    • Seizures
    • Dysphagia
    • Priapism
    • Disruption of Body Temperature Regulation
Policy Updates:
  • 02/15/2022 – New policy approved by P&T.
  • Invega Hafyera prescribing information. Janssen Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Titusville, NJ. October 2021.
  • Invega Sustenna prescribing information. Janssen Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Titusville, NJ. August 2021.
  • Invega Trinza prescribing information. Janssen Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Titusville, NJ. August 2021.


Last review date: February 15, 2022

Friday, July 19 Breaking News: A widespread computer software outage is impacting systems across the globe. Health care services in Northern California are reporting some disruption. WHA encourages members to call ahead to your provider if you have an appointment scheduled for today or this weekend.