MOZOBIL (plerixafor)


Indication for Prior Authorization:
  • Indicated in combination with granulocyte-colony stimulating factor (G-CSF) to mobilize hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) to the peripheral blood for collection and subsequent autologous transplantation in patients with non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (NHL) and multiple myeloma (MM).
Patients must meet the following criteria for the indication(s) above:
  • Patient is 18 years of age or older, AND
  • Chart note documentation is provided documenting one of the following:
    • Patient with non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (NHL) who will be undergoing autologous hematopoietic stem cell (HSC) transplantation, OR
    • Patient with multiple myeloma (MM) who will be undergoing autologous HSC transplantation, AND
  • Prescribed by or in consultation with a hematologist/oncologist, AND
  • Used in combination with granulocyte-colony stimulating factor (G-CSF) [e.g., Granix®, Neupogen®, Zarxio®, Nivestym™]
  • Begin treatment with Mozobil® after the patient has received G-CSF once daily for 4 days.
  • Administer Mozobil® approximately 11 hours prior to initiation of each apheresis for up to 4 consecutive days.
  • Dosing is based on body weight:
    • Weight less than or equal to 83 kg: 20 mg fixed dose or 0.24 mg/kg once daily
    • Weight greater than 83 kg: 0.24 mg/kg once daily
    • Maximum dose: 40 mg/day
  • Each vial delivers 1.2 mL of 20 mg/mL solution, volume to be administered to patients should be calculated from the following equation: 0.012 x patient's actual body weight (in kg) = volume to be administered (in mL)
  • Mozobil® dosing is modified for creatinine clearance 50 mL/min or less:
    • Weight less than or equal to 83 kg: 13 mg fixed dose or 0.16 mg/kg once daily
    • Weight greater than 83 kg and less than 160 kg: 0.16 mg/kg once daily
    • Maximum dose: 27 mg/day
  • Mozobil® dose and treatment of patients weighing more than 175% of ideal body weight have not been investigated.
  • See package insert for full dosing information
  • Administer daily morning doses of G-CSF 10 mcg/kg for 4 days prior to the first evening dose of Mozobil® and on each day prior to apheresis.
  • 1 treatment course (up to 4 days)
Review History:
  • 8/18/2020 - Original review
  • 10/12/2020 - Update to administration location
Friday, July 19 Breaking News: A widespread computer software outage is impacting systems across the globe. Health care services in Northern California are reporting some disruption. WHA encourages members to call ahead to your provider if you have an appointment scheduled for today or this weekend.