Self-Administration – inhalation

Diagnosis considered for coverage:
  • Indicated for the treatment or prevention of bronchospasm in patients 4 years of age and older with reversible obstructive airway disease
  • Indicated for the prevention of exercise-induced bronchospasm in patients 4 years of age and older
Coverage Criteria:

For diagnosis of bronchospasm or exercise-induced bronchospasm:

  • Quantity requested does not exceed 2 inhalers per 30 day supply; AND
  • Patient is 4 years of age or older; AND
  • Requested drug is being used for a Food and Drug Administration (FDA)-approved indication; AND
  • Paid claims or submission of medical records (e.g., chart notes) confirming trial and failure to a minimum 1-day supply, contraindication, or intolerance to 2 of the following:
    • Ventolin
    • Proair Respiclick
    • Generic albuterol inhaler; AND
  • Medically appropriate reason supporting the use of the digital component (i.e., rationale why inhaler usage cannot be tracked manually)
Reauthorization Criteria:

For diagnosis of bronchospasm or exercise-induced bronchospasm:

  • Quantity requested does not exceed 2 inhalers per 30 day supply; AND
  • Patient has experienced a positive clinical response to therapy
Coverage Duration: 
  • Initial: 1 year
  • Reauthorization: 1 year
Authorization is not covered for the following:

The use of this drug for indications not listed in this policy does not meet the coverage criteria established by the Western Health Advantage (WHA) Pharmacy and Therapeutics (P&T) Committee.

Additional Information: 
  • Recommended dose for bronchospasm: 2 inhalations every 4 to 6 hours by oral inhalation
    • More frequent administration or a larger number of inhalations is not recommended. In some patients, 1 inhalation every 4 hours may be sufficient
  • Recommended dose for exercise-induced bronchospasm: 2 inhalations 15 to 30 minutes before exercise by oral inhalation
  • Each inhaler is supplied for 200 inhalations
Policy Updates:
  • 12/1/2022 – New policy approved by P&T
  • ProAir Digihaler Prescribing Information. Teva Respiratory, LLC. Parsippany, NJ. October 2020.

Last review date: December 1, 2022

Friday, July 19 Breaking News: A widespread computer software outage is impacting systems across the globe. Health care services in Northern California are reporting some disruption. WHA encourages members to call ahead to your provider if you have an appointment scheduled for today or this weekend.