CINQAIR (reslizumab) 


Indications for Prior Authorization: 

  • Severe Eosinophilic Asthma

All of the following must be met as a condition(s) for coverage:

  • Must be prescribed AND followed by a pulmonologist or immunologist, AND
  • Patient must be at least 18 years of age, AND
  • Eosinophil blood count of 150 cells µL within last 6 weeks or ≥ 300 cells/µL within the last 12 months, AND 
  • Patient had inadequate response to a high-dose inhaled corticosteroid in combination with long-acting beta agonist [LABA] and has been compliant with therapy for at least 3 months, AND
  • Patient meets one of the following within the past year:
    • One or more acute asthma-related ED visit(s)
    • One or more acute inpatient visits where asthma was the principle diagnosis
    • Use of chronic systemic steroids due to severe asthma OR two or more acute asthma exacerbations requiring oral systemic steroids AND
  • Will not be used in combination with Xolair (omalizumab), or Nucala (mepolizumab), AND
  • Patient is not a current smoker

Patients for whom therapy with reslizumab is not indicated include:

  • Combination use with Omalizumab (Xolair) or Nucala (mepolizumab)
  • Monotherapy use
  • Patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)
  • Treatment of other eosinophilic conditions
  • Relief of acute bronchospasm or status asthmaticus



  • IV infusion: 3 mg/kg every 4 weeks by IV infusion over 20-50 minutes (asminister in healthcare setting by a healthcare professional prepared to manage anaphylaxis)

Younger than 18 years

  • Safety and efficacy have not been established


  • Initially for 24 weeks (6 months)
  • Re-Authorization consideration for 1 year (after initial 24 weeks) of therapy if the following criteria are met
    • Prescribed by a pulmonologist or immunologist, AND
    • Patient is continually compliant with all asthma medications, AND
    • Response to treatment with reslizumab (Cinqair), as evidenced by at least one of the following [must be documented in the medical record]:
      • Reduction in asthma symptoms (e.g., decreased number of sick days, improvement in physical activity, reduction in "as needed" use of short acting beta agonists), OR
      • Reduction in dose and frequency of inhaled steroids compared to baseline, OR
      • Reduction in acute asthma exacerbations requiring oral systemic steroids
  • Subsequent re-Authorization consideration - yearly if all of the following criteria are met
    • Prescribed by a pulmonologist or immunologist, AND
    • Patient is continually compliant with all asthma medications, AND
    • Continued response to treatment with reslizumab (Cinqair), as documented by at least one of the following [must be documented in the medical record]:
      • Stable or reduced asthma symptoms (e.g., no increase in number of sick days, decrease in physical activity, increase in "as needed" use of short acting beta agonists), OR
      • Stable or reduced (but not discontinued) dose and frequency of inhaled steroids compared to baseline, OR
      • Stable or reduced asthma exacerbations requiring oral systemic steroids
Friday, July 19 Breaking News: A widespread computer software outage is impacting systems across the globe. Health care services in Northern California are reporting some disruption. WHA encourages members to call ahead to your provider if you have an appointment scheduled for today or this weekend.