
Published: September 17, 2024

Working Together: Mind and Body, Keeps Your Heart Strong

There’s a saying that, “everything that comes in threes is perfect.”  Scientists know how strong the mind-heart-body connection is with growing evidence of a clear connection between psychological health and cardiovascular disease risk. That’s good news because when we improve our mental health - that also leads to a healthier heart and body!  

In a recent symposium sponsored by WHA and the American Heart Association, we asked Dignity Health’s Shideh Chinichian, M.D., about the connection between the mind, body and heart. She noted, “Up to 80% of doctor visits are for conditions related to stress, and those related to daily and traumatic stress increase an individual’s cardiovascular risk.  However, an optimistic mindset may lower the risk of heart attack, stroke, and death.”  

Negative emotions like anger can trigger your fight or flight response, and release cortisol and adrenaline, which can stress your heart.  Prolonged stress increases inflammation and lowers your body's immune response.

Here are a few tips from Dr. Chinichian to help alleviate stress, anxiety and depression:

  • Think positive! Positive feelings help your mental coping skills.
    • Practice mindfulness habits and meditation. WHA members can check out the AbleTo app for free meditations to get you started.
    • Practice gratitude by keeping a journal – it helps reduce depression and anxiety and improves sleep. 
    • Join WHA’s own CommunityFIT and James Crader every Wednesday and Friday at 12:15 pm for a healthy break with the Mid-week Desk Stretch (Wed) and Adjusting to Change (Fri) from September 4 through October 11, 2024. Register for free at mywha.org/CF.
  • Humor. Find and use your sense of humor to lower the amount of cortisol running through the body and help improve your mood. A good laugh will go a long way to help relieve that pressure.
  • Exercise. Activity can feed your brain with feel-good chemicals to improve mood and lower your blood pressure, along with reducing the risk of heart attack and helping your blood sugar.  It’s not too late to get started. Our fitness partner, Active&Fit Direct is having an end-of-summer promotion with NO enrollment fee for BOTH the standard and premium network (Using code: SUMMERTIME now – September 30th) at mywha.org/fitness. Call today to enroll!
  • Fuel a good mood. Fruits and vegetables are linked to higher levels of happiness.  Some chocolate helps reduce tension (dark is best), and Omega-3 Fatty Acids, found in fish and nut oils, may reduce the risk of depression. WHA has plenty of inspiration at mywha.org/recipes.

If you need some reminders to help with stress management, WHA members can start by downloading the AbleTo app for stress management. You can get coaching and if you need more support there’s therapy as well (copays may apply), visit our Optum webpage to learn more at mywha.org/bh.

Happy New Year! If you are calling our Member Services department today, we ask for your patience while our entire team assists members with their questions. The first week in January is always the busiest time of year and we will get to your call as soon as possible. Members may find the information you need by logging into our secure MyWHA member portal. Use the "log in" button at the top right of this homepage screen. Thank you. Contact Us