New Medicare Advantage Plans for 2022

Published: October 28, 2021

WHA MyCare (HMO) Medicare Advantage Plans for 2022

Our MyCare and MyCare Plus Medicare Advantage plans just got better. For coverage in 2022, you have two choices:

Western Health Advantage MyCare (HMO)

$0/month premium, $0 deductible, low copays, prescription drug coverage, routine dental, hearing and vision care, and more value-added benefits

Western Health Advantage MyCare Plus (HMO)

$99/month premium, $0 deductible, $0 PCP copay, prescription drug coverage, routine dental, hearing and vision care, and value-added benefits

WHA’s MyCare Members have:

  • Freedom to Choose. With an HMO, you choose a primary care physician; or when current members stay with WHA, you can most likely keep your current physician. But you also have flexibility within our extensive network of doctors and hospitals from among multiple medical groups (not just one) for your specialty care. Want to know how that works? Learn about our Advantage Referral for expanded care choices.
  • Lower costs for the plan + coverage with enhanced value-added benefits
    • Low or $0 monthly premium • $0 deductible
    • Primary care physician copay as low as $0 • Specialist copay as low as $20 
    • Over-the-counter allowance (quarterly benefit of $50-100)
    • Prescription drug coverage in both plans
    • Nationwide urgent and emergency care
    • Fitness Program: complimentary membership in Silver&Fit
    • Assist America: emergency travel assistance services wherever you are in the world
    • Alternative Care: routine acupuncture and chiropractic services
    • Added benefits for 2022:
      • Hearing coverage thru TruHearing includes up to two hearing aids every 12 months (copays vary); fitting, evaluation and follow up visits
      • Dental $0 preventive/$25 comprehensive copay for routine exams and cleanings; X-rays twice a year – all thru DeltaCare USA®, a Delta Dental company
      • Meal Home Delivery following a hospital stay, at four times per year (up to 56 meals), thru Mom’s Meals
Learn More:
  1. Browse our Medicare Advantage plans and compare.
  2. Join us for a free online seminar – get a chance to ask questions about Medicare, hear about our plans, and get help enrolling! Visit our Medicare page to register online and learn more!
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