Awards & Accreditations

4-Star Accreditation for Customer Satisfaction!

Western Health Advantage ranks in the top 5 in Customer Satisfaction among 21 California health plans in the recently released National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA) ratings for measurement year (MY)2021. WHA earned an accreditation score of 4 stars, based on what patients say about their health plans in getting care quickly, satisfaction with plan services, and plan doctors.

The NCQA Health Insurance Plan Ratings provide consumers with a picture of how health insurance plans perform in key quality areas of consumer satisfaction, prevention, and treatment. The ratings of three major performance categories – patient experience, prevention, and treatment – with the greatest importance to health outcomes and consumer satisfaction.

WHA also ranked highly in the overall rating, earning a 4.0 score. The NCQA ratings blend dozens of quality indicators for health plans into a simple scale from 1-5, where 1 indicates lower performance and 5 indicates higher performance. NCQA Health Insurance Plan Ratings are available on NCQA’s website.


Rated Highly for Quality Health Care

According to MY2021 Qualified Health Plan Enrollee Experience Survey:

66.5% of WHA members reported getting care easily and quickly through their health plan

87.2% of WHA members gave their personal doctor an overall rating of 8, 9 or 10, on a 0 to 10 scale

83.5% of WHA members gave their specialist an overall rating of 8, 9 or 10 on a 0 to 10 scale.

(Source: Office of the Patient Advocate)


MY2021 Qualified Health Plan Enrollee Experience Survey

The Qualified Health Plan Enrollee Experience Survey (QHP Enrollee Survey) was designed to collect accurate and reliable information from consumers about their experience with the health care they received through Health Insurance Marketplace Qualified Health Plans (QHPs). The survey includes a set of core questions that address key areas of care and service, with some questions grouped to form composites. The QHP Enrollee Survey was fielded nationally for the first time by HHS-approved survey vendors in 2022 by HHS-approved survey vendors using a standardized protocol to facilitate QHP comparison both within and across Marketplaces.


Providers Recommend WHA

96% of our providers would recommend Western Health Advantage to other physicians.

2022 Provider Satisfaction Survey
WHA conducts an annual provider satisfaction survey to determine how well WHA is doing. Participating providers are randomly selected to participate. The survey provides an opportunity for providers to share their opinions about the programs and administration of the plan.

Source: 2022 Provider Satisfaction Survey.

Last review date: February 3, 2023

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