Western Health Advantage is committed to ensuring our members have access to the care they need. This benefit helps to cover the costs of certain travel expenses for eligible services that aren’t available within 50 miles of your home,
Western Health will help cover the costs of certain expenses related to travel and lodging to obtain medically necessary and prior authorized services.
To be reimbursed, submit a Travel and Lodging Reimbursement form to Western Health Advantage. The form can be found online at https://www.westernhealth.com/calpers/downloads/travel-and-lodging-coverage/.
Mail to:
Western Health Advantage, Attention Claims Department
2349 Gateway Oaks Drive, Suite 100, Sacramento CA 95833
Call Member Services at 888.WHA.PERS (888.942.7377); 711 TTY or Visit westernhealth.com/calpers for more information about how to file a claim.