WHA wants you to be healthy and proactive with preventive care.
Get your regular A1C blood test and receive a $20 gift card!*
You may know, getting your A1C test helps to manage your diabetes. This test looks at your blood sugar level over the past 3 months. It helps your doctor see if your diabetes care plan is working (it’s good to do this at least once a year). It’s a blood test done at a doctor’s office/lab (different from testing your blood sugar at home).
A1C Test
- Completion of your A1C blood test – After taking the test, Fill out this form and you'll receive a $20 gift card! When you go to your checkup, talk with your doctor about getting your A1C blood test if you have not done so already this year.
*To qualify, participants must be an active member living with diabetes. The test must have been completed within the last year. Limited to one gift card (up to $20 value) per year. See official rules.
For more information about this incentive program, contact Member Services: Toll-free Number: 888.563.2250 or TTY For Hearing Impaired: 888.877.5378.
IMPORTANTE: ¿Puede leer esta carta? Si no, nosotros le podemos ayudar a leerla. Ademãs, usted puede recibir esta carta escrita en español. Para obtener ayuda gratuita, llame ahora mismo al Western Health Advantage 916.563.2250 o llame gratis al 888.563.2250 lunes a viernes de 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Last review date: March 14, 2025