Talk With Your Doctor

When you see your doctor

Establishing a strong relationship with your primary care physician (PCP) is an important step in successfully meeting your blood pressure goal. Talking one-on-one with your doctor builds trust and leads to better results, quality, safety and satisfaction. Make the most of your appointments by being prepared to:

Ask Questions:

Write them down before your appointment. Your questions help your doctor and health care team determine the health care concerns that are most important to you.

Answer Questions:

Consider any differences in your health since you last visited. Your doctor will want to know if you have had any changes in your diet or sleep, sudden aches or pains, skin changes or growths, as well as your overall sense of well-being.

After an appointment, be sure to review any instructions or materials sent home with you by your doctor. Stay on track with these instructions. If any information needs explaining, it’s okay to call or email your doctor. This will help to continue developing your relationship with your doctor. Through your medical group, you have various options for staying connected with your doctor. For more information go here.

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