Substance Use Disorders

Substance Use and Addiction

Substance use disorders are treatable involving the brain, body, environment, and life experiences. There are so many factors that contribute to it, and they are different for each person, and so is the path to recovery.

What’s true for everyone is the importance of getting quality care, support and treatment to make all the difference.  Know that you are not alone, it is estimated that some 20 million people in the U.S. have a substance use disorder.

Where to Get Help

WHA works with Optum Behavioral Health to provide qualified professionals who can help you and your family work through issues of  Substance Use Disorder, which is a treatable chronic condition.

Visit their webpage Live and Work Well, you can research, use screening tools and get information on alcohol, drugs, and other addictions. You’ll find helpful recovery and resiliency resources for you or your loved one. 

Get anonymous support 24/7 from an advocate who is trained in substance use care and recovery. They can help you find treatment, typically within a day.  Call and talk with an advocate now: (855) 780-5955

Talk with your doctor (PCP) or a professional through a helpline (see above). They can help you decide on the next steps.

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