WHA's Health & Wellness Blog





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Healthy Vision

Published: 05/31/2024

Shopping for New Shades? Tips to Protect Your Eyes this Summer

Sunlight reflecting off sand or water increases exposure to Ultraviolent (UV) radiation and raises your risk of developing eye problems. Some sunglasses help protect your eyes, so here’s what you need to know.

Women's Mental Health

Published: 03/26/2024

Let’s Talk about Menopause

Menopause is the stage when a woman is no longer able to get pregnant and marks the end of a woman’s period and reproductive years. Some women look forward to this change, while others do not. Most women, however, do not welcome the symptoms that come with menopause, particularly when it comes to their mental health.

Medications: Save money with generic and mail-order

Published: 03/11/2024

Here’s how to keep more money in your wallets by choosing generic and mail-order for your medications.  

Diet + Mental Health

Published: 02/28/2024

You feel what you eat

You know the adage, “You are what you eat?”  Well, research has shown that there is a link between what you eat and how you feel. There’s a complex relationship between your diet and your mental health.

Choosing a PCP

Published: 02/14/2024

Tips for Choosing a Primary Care Provider (PCP)

When looking for a primary care doctor for yourself (or a family member) it’s important to choose someone you can trust and to feel confident in a doctor’s abilities so you get the type of care you want. Here are a few tips and tools to help find one who’s right for you:

Setting SMART goals in 2024 and join our monthly wellness workshops

Published: 01/05/2024

“I know what I am supposed to do, I just need to do it!” Sound familiar? You are not alone if you struggle with creating and sustaining healthy habits. You know the necessary steps to achieve a goal, but you struggle with the motivation or action to follow through. The key challenge lies in overcoming procrastination and other obstacles. Knowledge does not always equal execution. But it can!