Kaia Health

Published: March 22, 2022

Easing back pain with WHA’s newest no-cost program, Kaia Health

When you have back pain, you want relief – fast. But so often, the quickest action is to get over-the-counter or prescription pain medication. But there are other ways to get relief, with the help of WHA’s newest program, Kaia Health, available to employer group plan members*.

Pain Management Where Ever You Are

Kaia is an innovative new program providing digital pain management. With Kaia, you receive physical therapy through your mobile phone or tablet. If you have acute or chronic pain receive artificial intelligence (AI-driven) physical therapy instruction and monitoring. That way, people with pain in their neck, shoulders, back, hips, wrists and knees can benefit from timely physical therapy, where at times, access to in-person therapy sessions or taking time to travel to appointments can get in the way of getting the care you need.

This program was designed by orthopedists and physical therapists. It’s a way that WHA can offer convenient care with smart health technology so you can be proactive in own health care. Visit mywha.org/kaia to enroll/download the app.

Alternative Care

Keep in mind that if your back is still painful after four weeks, talk to your doctor for a diagnosis. Then, you may consider other treatment options, such as chiropractic care, provided through our partner, Landmark Health. Your WHA health plan may include both chiropractic care and acupuncture, when medically necessary. So, check your copayment summary to confirm coverage, cost, and the number of visits annually that are included in your plan. You may also call Landmark Health directly at 800.298.4875.

In addition, if you are looking for massage therapy, check our ChooseHealthy® program for locations and discounts.

Tips for Keeping Your Body More Flexible

In addition to getting support through the Kaia program and app, use these tips to keep your body feeling more flexible:

  • Stay active – our CommunityFIT classes resume this month so check the schedule
  • Check our Active&Fit for gym memberships, with the enrollment fee waived through March!
  • Don’t stay in one position (if at the computer, take 10-minute breaks, or better yet, take walks)
  • Take over-the-counter pain relievers when you need them
  • Use an ice pack or heating pad, whichever feels better
  • Drink water to stay hydrated, to help muscles and everything else work better!

*For Kaia, eligible employer group members must be over age 18.