Choosing a PCP

Published: February 14, 2024

Tips for Choosing a Primary Care Provider (PCP)

When looking for a primary care doctor for yourself (or a family member) it’s important to choose someone you can trust and to feel confident in a doctor’s abilities so you get the type of care you want. Here are a few tips and tools to help find one who’s right for you:

1) Ask yourself, what is most important to you?

Make a list: Male or female? Young or more mature? Near home or work? Speak a language other than English? Affiliated with which area hospital(s) or medical group? Location of residency training?

2) Ask trusted friends and family

A great place to start is to ask friends and extended family members you trust for their recommendations. If you’re managing a specific medical condition, ask about experience or interest in that condition. If you feel comfortable, you might even ask colleagues at work or parents at school for local suggestions.

3) Check online for information, reviews

Most doctors maintain a website associated with a hospital, clinic, or medical group. You might even discover that they are published in a research paper or local newspaper. These sites will often include the doctor’s medical interests, philosophy of care, and areas of interest and community involvement. Review sites to view patient feedback, such as Health Grades, and check if the doctor is board-certified at Certification Matters

4) Use WHA’s “Find a Doctor” tool

Once you have decided what’s important to you in a doctor, sign in to and go to WHA’s provider search or mobile app to find a list of doctors/specialists (and locations), as well as other criteria that are important to you (female, specialty, region, language, race, ethnicity, and if they are accepting new patients).

5) Set up your appointment

Call the doctor’s office, confirm they take your WHA plan (have your WHA ID ready) and schedule an appointment. If something is urgent, let them know. You may be offered a virtual visit, depending on the provider. Stay healthy by keeping up on your preventive care and services, like screening tests and shots that you get during an annual wellness exam, as they are at no cost as part of your WHA health plan.*

Most importantly, find a doctor who treats you with respect, listens to your opinions and concerns, and explains things in ways you understand. Keep in mind, that an office visit to establish a relationship with a new PCP may be subject to a copay, depending on your specific plan’s benefits. 

*Coverage for WHA services depends on eligibility at the time of the service.

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