Get the Most From Your Checkup

Published: July 25, 2022

Checkup Coming Up? Here’s How to Make the Most of those Minutes with your Doctor

Going to a regular check up with your doctor is vital to staying healthy. Take time to prepare to ensure you make the most that time so you don’t feel rushed or forget something important to ask. Below are some simple tips to get the most out of your checkup, also referred to as a preventive or wellness visit.

Prepare for your checkup

  • Write down questions ahead of time. Use your smartphone or take note of health concerns as they occur to you in the weeks before your visit. This is YOUR TIME to discuss anything with your doctor.  They’ll have their own checklist, which includes health screenings and immunizations. These preventive screenings detect health conditions such as hypertension (high blood pressure) or diabetes, which can increase your risk of having a heart attack or stroke.
  • Bring prescriptions, over-the-counter medications, and/or supplements (or write down) so your doctor has updated information on what you are taking.
  • Family medical history update.  Next time you are with your extended family, take note of any recent or chronic health conditions that might impact you or your family so you can share them with your doctor.  According to the CDC, having a family history of certain diseases increases your chance of getting it yourself.  Breast and colon cancer and diabetes are examples. Use this CDC link for more information.
  • Preventive screenings and vaccines are included in your WHA health plan.*  Many common conditions may not have obvious symptoms, but when detected early, are the most preventable. That’s why your plan covers appropriate preventive screenings and exams, including age-appropriate vaccines (shots).  Review what’s included in your preventive care here.

 *Coverage for WHA services depends on eligibility at the time of the service.

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