Take Precautions to Prevent Drowning this Summer

Published: July 19, 2019

It’s summertime and that means it’s time for lemonade stands, grilling, picnics, beach days and pool parties. Unfortunately, in California, drowning is a leading cause of injury-related deaths among children under the age of five. Each year, near-drowning incidents result in life-long disabilities. 

There are no warning sounds or splashing sounds associated with a drowning accident. According to the California Department of Developmental Services, swimming pools in backyards account for over half of the 54 drowning deaths of children age five and under each year. DDS shares the following tips for water safety:

  • Install alarms on house doors and windows leading to a pool area.

  • Layers of protection include adult supervision, fences, gates, latches, safety pool covers, alarms, education, throwing aids, and rescue techniques.

  • Adults should keep a constant eye on children in or near any water including bathtubs, buckets, toilets, ponds, spas and pools.

  • Never leave a child alone near water. Check the pool first if a child is missing.

  • Designate an adult to be close enough to reach out and touch any child under four years old while being supervised in the water.

Water safety is important at any age, but is especially important around babies and toddlers. Western Health Advantage urges all Californians to enjoy activities but remain vigilant around babies and toddlers, and swimmers of all ages, because drowning is preventable. It’s also wise to learn CPR and the Heimlich maneuver.

Update Monday July 22: A widespread computer software outage continues to impact systems across the globe. Health care services in Northern California may be experiencing some disruption. WHA encourages members to call ahead to your provider if you have an appointment scheduled this week.