WHA Sponsors Pay What You Wish Days at the Crocker Art Museum

Published: April 19, 2019

The third Sunday of every month is Pay What You Wish Day at the Crocker Art Museum in Sacramento, sponsored by Western Health Advantage! We’re proud to support this program and our region’s overall well-being and health.

Admission to the museum ordinarily costs $10 for adults. On “Pay What You Wish Sundays,” donations of any amount are appreciated.

Collections at the Crocker include American Art before 1945, American Art after 1945, Ceramics, European Art, and Works on Paper and Photography. In addition, there are special exhibits throughout the year.

Museum hours are:

  • Tuesday-Sunday: 10 AM – 5 PM

  • Thursday: 10 AM – 9 PM

  • Closed Mondays, Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year’s Day

Go to crockerart.org for visitor information about the museum, including parking and directions. To learn about WHA, go to westernhealth.com.

Update Monday July 22: A widespread computer software outage continues to impact systems across the globe. Health care services in Northern California may be experiencing some disruption. WHA encourages members to call ahead to your provider if you have an appointment scheduled this week.